Release notes


This is a major release that includes compatibility with numpy 2.0, the end of libtiff support, and some bug fixes.

New Contributors:


This is a bugfix release recommended for all users.

  • Fixed imageio “infinite reader” bug (PR 415)

  • Added installation instructions for imageio-ffmpeg and moviepy (PR 417)


This is a major release recommended for all users.

  • Added direct dependence on imageio (PR 392); imageio-ffmpeg is optional (PR 358)

  • Added compatibility with Python 3.10 and 3.11 (PR 383, PR 399)

  • Ended support for Python 2 (PR 408)

  • PIMS reader objects now support the dtype and shape attributes from the standard numpy array interface (PR 254)

  • Fixed frame numbering bug for PyAV (PR 370)

  • Fixed handling of nonstandard datetime tags in TIFFs (PR 375)

  • Updated documentation (PR 376, PR 390)

  • Fixed and improved automated testing and development (PR 380, PR 383, PR 399, PR 391, PR 407, PR 410)

  • Removed use of deprecated skimage.external.tifffile (PR 362)

  • Fixed imageio video API support (PR 406)


This is a major release recommended for all users. Your existing code to open files may need to be edited slightly – see the first change listed below.

  • API: all readers do not support the keyword arguments process_func, dtype and as_grey anymore. Please consult the documentation on Pipelines on how to convert videos. (see Pipelines) (PR 250)

  • New built-in as_grey pipeline for convenient conversion to greyscale (PR 305)

  • New built-in crop pipeline for making a cropped sequence (PR 247)

  • Major speedup for random access in PyAVReaderIndexed (PR 340)

  • Bumped Bioformats version to 6.5.x (PR 301)

  • Added instructions for installing/updating Bioformats (PR 346)

  • Enhanced support for metadata in the CINE format (PR 317)

  • Enhanced documentation for PyAV video support (PR 334)

  • Added multidimensional capabilities to ImageIOReader (see Multidimensional Readers) (PR 320)

  • Added support for nd2reader as alternative reader for Nikon nd2 files (PR 272)

  • Removed fallback to scipy.misc.imread, which was removed from scipy (PR 359)

  • Fixed compatibility with PyAV 0.4.0 and newer (PR 300)

  • Fixed compatibility and bugs in PyAV export (PR 283, PR 313)

  • Fixed opening of PyAV videos with audio (PR 322)

  • Fixed compatibility with newer versions of tifffile (PR 314, PR 339)

  • Fixed response to missing ImageIO (PR 333)


  • API: N-dimensional readers now smartly use get_frame methods; depending on the bundle_axes settings, the reader optimizes which get_frame methods is optimal to use. Readers that derive from FramesSequenceND will need to call FramesSequenceND.__init__() on initialization, and also will need to register get_frame methods using _register_get_frame(method, axes). (PR 227)

  • API: Swap elements of frame_shape in SpeStack to match frames’ shape. (PR 241)

  • API: Swap elements of frame_shape in PyAVVideoReader to match frames’ shape. (PR 251)

  • API: Reimplement the PyAVVideoReader (or: Video) into a reader that uses the frame timestamps and reader frame rate to compute the frame index. The new reader is named PyAVReaderTimed and the names PyAVVideoReader and Video refer to it. For the case when the video misses timestamps, the old implementation is available under PyAVReaderIndexed.

  • API: The video exporter (export) takes more arguments. The argument 'format' has been renamed to 'pixel_format', while 'format' now refers to the container format. (PR 257)

  • Fixed filename sorting when list is provided explicitely to ImageSequence (PR 252)

  • Fixed plot_to_frame with savefig.bbox == 'tight' (PR 248)

  • Added a reader that wraps ImageIO ImageIOReader (PR 233)

  • Added a reader that wraps MoviePy MoviePyReader (PR 233)

  • Added a reader for single images ImageReader and ImageReaderND (PR 249)

  • Added a reader that stacks readers into a multidimensional reader ReaderSequence (PR 249)

  • Added a video exporter based on MoviePy (PR 233)

  • Added BioformatsReader.metadata.fields that lists all metadata fields. (PR 230)


  • API: Swap elements of frame_shape in SpeStack to match frames’ shape.


  • Fix compatibility with Pillow v0.3.0 (PR 204)

  • API: plot_to_frame and plots_to_frame now take fig_size_inches and bbox_inches as keyword arguments instead of passing on all keyword arguments to imsave (PR 206)

  • Fix zipfile handling in Py3 (PR 199)

  • Fix CINE reader for Py2 (PR 219)

  • Support non-monochrome and packed-bits images in NorpixSeq (PR 218)

  • Update documentation

  • Update slicerator dependency to v0.9.7 (fixes pipeline nesting)

  • Update bioformats version to v5.1.7 (PR 224)


  • Bug fixes

  • Build fixes and fewer required deps


  • Fix build-related mistakes in v0.3.0.


  • Refactor the slicing logic into a separate package, slicerator.

  • Extend the slicing logic to allow nested lazy slicing.

  • Add pipeline feature; deprecate process_func.

  • Support multispectral and multidimensional images.

  • Add Norpix reader.


This is a simple maintenance release, introducing no functionality changes. The packaging and installation are simplified by adopting tifffile as a dependency rather than directly including the source PIMS.

Henceforth, to install PIMS on any platform, we recommend conda install -c soft-matter pims, but pip install pims is also supported.


  • Use PyAV for handling video files

  • Ships with Christoph Gohlke’s tifffile

  • Added support for .cine files

  • Added prototype of universal open function which tries to guess the correct class to use to handle a given file based on the extension

  • Added ability to create an ImageSequence from a list of paths