

compute_drift(traj[, smoothing, pos_columns])

Return the ensemble drift, xy(t).

diagonal_size(single_trajectory[, ...])

Measure the diagonal size of a trajectory.

direction_corr(t, frame1, frame2)

Compute the cosine between every pair of particles' displacements.

emsd(traj, mpp, fps[, max_lagtime, detail, ...])

Compute the ensemble mean squared displacements of many particles.

imsd(traj, mpp, fps[, max_lagtime, ...])

Compute the mean squared displacement of each particle.

is_diffusive(traj[, threshold])

is_localized(traj[, threshold])

is_typical(msds, frame[, lower, upper])

Identify which paritcles' MSDs are in the central quantile.

min_rolling_theta_entropy(pos[, window, bins])

Compute the minimum Shannon entropy in any window.

msd(traj, mpp, fps[, max_lagtime, detail, ...])

Compute the mean displacement and mean squared displacement of one trajectory over a range of time intervals.

proximity(*args, **kwargs)


relate_frames(t, frame1, frame2[, pos_columns])

Find the displacement vector of all particles between two frames.

shannon_entropy(x, bins)

Compute the Shannon entropy of the distribution of x.

subtract_drift(traj[, drift, inplace])

Return a copy of particle trajectories with the overall drift subtracted out.

theta_entropy(pos[, bins, plot])

Plot the distribution of directions and return its Shannon entropy.

vanhove(pos, lagtime[, mpp, ensemble, bins])

Compute the van Hove correlation (histogram of displacements).

velocity_corr(t, frame1, frame2)

Compute the velocity correlation between every pair of particles' displacements.