
An image sequence is a collection of image files with sequential filenames.

ImageSequence can be instatiated using:

  • a directory name, such as a 'my_directory'

  • a “glob” string, such as 'my_directory/*.png', which is safer than using a directory because directories sometimes contain stray files

  • the filepath of a zipped archive, such as 'my_directory/'

  • a list of filepaths, such as ['image1.png', 'image2.png']


See also

The section Multidimensional Readers describes how to deal with multidimensional files.

This class allows reading of N-dimensional Image Sequences with multiple indices in the file name, for instance: ['image_z00_t00.png', 'image_z01_t00.png'].


This class allows stacking N-dimensional readers creating another N-dimensional with an extra dimension. For example:

reader = pims.ReaderSequence('path/to/files/image*.tif', pims.BioformatsReader)


Several widely-used Python packages have slightly different implementations of imread, a general purpose image-reading function that understands popular formats like PNG, JPG, TIFF, and others. PIMS requires one of the following packages, in order of decreasing preference.

Scikit-image is installed with the PIMS conda package.