Streaming: Processing Unlimited Frames On-Disk

A key feature of trackpy is the ability to process an unlimited number of frames.

For feature-finding, this is straightforward: a frame is loaded, features are located, the locations are saved the disk, and the memory is cleared for the next frame. For linking, the problem is more challenging, but trackpy handles all this complexity for you, using as little memory as possible throughout.

When data sets become large, beginning-friendly file formats like CSV or Excel become impractical. We recommend using the HDF5 file format, which is trackpy can read and write out of the box. (HDF5 is widely used; you can be sure it will be around for many, many years to come.)

If you have some other format in mind, see the end of this tutorial, where we explain how to extend trackpy’s interface to support other formats.

Install PyTables

You need pytables, which you can easily install using conda. (Type this command into a Terminal or Command Prompt.)

conda install pytables

Locate Features, Streaming Results into an HDF5 File

import trackpy as tp
import pims
def gray(image):
    return image[:, :, 0]

images = pims.ImageSequence('../sample_data/bulk_water/*.png', process_func=gray)
images = images[:10]  # We'll take just the first 10 frames for demo purposes.
# For this demo, we'll first remove the file if it already exists.
!rm -f data.h5

We can use locate inside a loop:

with tp.PandasHDFStore('data.h5') as s:  # This opens an HDF5 file. Data will be stored and retrieved by frame number.
    for image in images:
        features = tp.locate(image, 11, invert=True)  # Find the features in a given frame.
        s.put(features)  # Save the features to the file before continuing to the next frame.

or, equivalently, we can use batch, which accepts the storage file as output.

with tp.PandasHDFStore('data.h5') as s:
    tp.batch(images, 11, invert=True, output=s)
Frame 9: 510 features

We can get the data for a given frame:

with tp.PandasHDFStore('data.h5') as s:
    frame_2_results = s.get(2)

frame_2_results.head()  # Display the first few rows.
x y mass size ecc signal raw_mass ep frame
0 295.886941 5.624598 372.183679 2.580235 0.189920 17.396842 8915 0.108849 2
1 68.203651 6.471969 416.980545 2.888723 0.088487 13.265092 9267 0.069054 2
2 336.888818 6.445367 340.325712 2.565562 0.028504 16.418269 8815 0.130158 2
3 432.423210 6.799269 564.962429 3.048429 0.302762 17.614302 9131 0.080412 2
4 460.570088 7.785952 359.136047 2.924729 0.124871 12.503980 8907 0.110293 2

Or dump all the data, if your machine has enough memory to hold it:

with tp.PandasHDFStore('data.h5') as s:
    all_results = s.dump()

all_results.head()  # Display the first few rows.
x y mass size ecc signal raw_mass ep frame
0 103.430478 5.247191 308.202079 2.738100 0.039502 11.795655 8983 0.098772 0
1 294.831759 5.692167 355.060049 2.574877 0.162698 17.422941 8917 0.109846 0
2 311.069767 7.223679 255.933257 3.321975 0.007893 5.627285 8644 0.204852 0
3 431.496378 7.273025 627.442294 2.872567 0.273653 19.695498 9199 0.074267 0
4 36.061983 8.255091 483.621872 2.973328 0.123753 13.635345 9531 0.053765 0

You can dump the first N frames using s.dump(N).

Framewise Data Interfaces

Built-in interfaces

There are three different interfaces. You can use them interchangeably. They offer different performance advantages.

  • PandasHDFStore – fastest for a small (~100) number of frames
  • PandasHDFStoreBig – fastest for a medium or large number of frames
  • PandasHDFStoreSingleNode – optimizes HDF queries that access multiple frames (advanced)

Writing your own interface

Trackpy implements a generic interface that could be used to store and retrieve particle tracking data in any file format. We hope that it can make it easier for researchers who use different file formats to exchange data. Any in-house format could be accessed using the same simple interface demonstrated above.

At present, the interface is implemented only for HDF5 files. To extend it to any format, write a class subclassing trackpy.FramewiseData. This custom class must implement the methods put, get, close, and __iter__ and the properties max_frame and t_column. Refer to the built-in classes in for examples to work from.