
trackpy.emsd(traj, mpp, fps, max_lagtime=100, detail=False, pos_columns=['x', 'y'])

Compute the ensemble mean squared displacements of many particles.


traj : DataFrame of trajectories of multiple particles, including

columns particle, frame, x, and y

mpp : microns per pixel

fps : frames per second

max_lagtime : intervals of frames out to which MSD is computed

Default: 100

detail : Set to True to include <x>, <y>, <x^2>, <y^2>. Returns

only <r^2> by default.


Series[msd, index=t] or, if detail=True,

DataFrame([<x>, <y>, <x^2>, <y^2>, msd], index=t)


Input units are pixels and frames. Output units are microns and seconds.